  • 圈主:zhujp
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  • 电话:021-59997393
  • 地址:上海嘉定区华亭镇澄浏公路与高石公路路口北侧
April 16-18 2012, in Laguna Niguel , California
2012-03-20 10:53:14 432
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    In April 2012, Fortune will once again team up with its program partners—Conservation International, The Nature Conservancy, NRDC, and the Environmental Defense Fund—to gather "the smartest people we know" in sustainability from business, government, and NGOs.

    The Brainstorm GREEN community is a diverse cross-section of Fortune 500 CEOs, leaders from the environmental movement, senior government officials, and provocative thinkers. Previous participants have included Sir Richard Branson of Virgin, former President Clinton, Patagonia founder Yvon Chouinard, REI CEO Sally Jewell, Wal-Mart’s Lee Scott, and many other leaders and visionaries.

    Since 2001, when the first Fortune Brainstorm was launched, these events have been known for their signature interactive formats that yield fresh ideas and help build valuable relationships among influential leaders. It’s this combination that has cemented Brainstorm GREEN’s position as the leading national conference on business and the environment. As Ford Motor Chairman Bill Ford put it: “It was, by far, the most interesting one I’ve ever attended.”

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